What is better than having a clean and shiny home or watching your kids running about having tons of fun? Watching your children running about having fun while helping you achieve a clean and shiny home, of course!
How do you achieve such an effect? We have a few ideas that might help you put your kids to the task, that might make them develop a habit and help you too!
Choose a single task
Do you want your kids to organise better, clean after themselves or something else? It is extremely important to start with fun tasks at an early age and target only a single task at a time, to easily encode within your children, that doing this task is good and fun for them, so they start doing so on their own!
Play a mix-and-match game for clothing organisation
Piles of clothes can be exhausting to go through, but they don’t have to be especially if you get your children in on the fun. Ask your children to select their own “house” and to compete with who will match most of their clothes in there. First, decide the rules of the game – you could ask them to match the clothes by type and colour or just one, depending on your laundry schedule.
Naturally, nothing sets in a habit as well as a prize for everyone who participates, and maybe even an additional one if you have more than one participant, so it can give them the incentive to keep doing well, but also be a motivation for the rest to do better next time!
This is also great in helping your children become more tidy and keep the room well organised.
Play a variation of Hide and Seek
But make the seeker clean a corner of a room, while the rest are hiding. That or make any captured hiders clean together a portion of a room, before the next round proceeds. The game continues until someone wins over the seeker, or they give up searching.

Treasure hunt for everybody
Let your children know that there are treasures hidden around the room. You should before hand add these treasures in every part of the untidy room. Let your children know how many “treasures” there are hidden and search together while cleaning every part of the room (this should be one of the conditions.
Cleaning plates and leaving no leftovers
Teach your children that they should eat everything and then clean up after themselves. Play a restaurant game where they get a salad, a meal and then they have the dessert. Every time they finish they have to turn in their plates after they finish their food and the prize (that they would get anyway but don’t have to know that) is their favourite dessert!
Assign roles if possible
Kids are different. If you have a lot of children you can switch around roles between them, or even join them along. Let one child handle the clothes, another make the bed and you could help with mopping and dusting. Everybody will have something to do, nobody will be left alone and you will have a chance to set an example.
Make sure to reward good behaviour
No matter what game you choose, or you even decide to go for no games at all, always make sure to reward your children when they perform the tasks. As time progresses you might make the rewards a little bit smaller, and as they grow up, your children will see the true merit of participating and helping with all of these tasks!
There are numerous games out there that you could use as a basis for your children cleaning their or any other room. The key is to have fun together, leave no one unrewarded and learn together the benefit of cleaning over time!